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ATTENTION! Please read the terms and conditions carefully before using this website. If you use this website, you are deemed to have accepted and agreed to these terms. If you DO NOT ACCEPT these terms, do not use this website!
This Document represents the general conditions or the conditions of use of www.vapepro.eu/mk , which regulate the rules for the use of www.vapepro.eu/mk
2.1. “Treydon bg” Ltd. is a company with registered office and address of management Sofia, Gorublyane, 23 Samokovsko Shosse Blvd. and with UIC 205933493
2.2. “Treydon bg” Ltd. administers the website www.vapepro.eu/mk, (called for short “Platform”). The company “Treidon bg” Ltd. will be called for short below “Weippro”.
2.3. You can contact Weippro on the indicated phone number +389 75 49 49 44 , by filling in the form HERE or by e-mail www.vapepro.eu/mk . More information about fees can be found in the “Contacts” section of the Platform.
3.1. User – “User” is an able-bodied natural person who has reached the age of 18 or a legal entity that has accepted these General Terms and Conditions.
3.2. The platform – Internet site hosted on the web address www.vapepro.eu/mk and its subdomains.
3.3. Request – an electronic document representing a communication form between Weippro and the User.
3.4. Supervisor – is a person authorized by Weippro to accept orders from external Retail outlets and Distribution Warehouses.
3.5. Contents
- all information on the Platform that is accessible through an Internet connection and the use of a device with an Internet connection;
• the content of any message from the User to Weippro, sent by electronic means and / or any other available means of communication;
• any information provided, in any way, by an employee / associate of Weippro and the User, by electronic or other means for its remote transmission;
• the information of the Platform describing the specifications of the items in the product catalog. - other data described in the Platform.
3.6. Commercial messages – any type of message sent through electronic communication channels (such as e-mail, SMS, mobile / web push, etc.) containing general and thematic information, as well as other commercial messages such as market and consumer research.
3.7. Specifications – all characteristics and / or descriptions of the items in the Platform, as indicated in their description.
3.8. Answer – written information that is transmitted to the User who asked a question. The answer is an explanation provided by one User to another User in a dialogue.
4.1. Weippro General Terms and Conditions are binding on all Users of the Platform.
4.2. Any use of the Platform means that you have (a) carefully read the general terms and conditions for its use and (b) have agreed to abide by them unconditionally.
4.3. Weippro reserves the right to update and amend the General Terms of the Platform periodically to reflect any changes in the way the Site operates and the terms or any changes in legal requirements. The document may be opposed to Users from the moment it is published on the Platform. In case of such a change, we will publish on the Platform the amended version of the Document, therefore we ask you to periodically check the content of this Document.
4.4. If any of the provisions of these general terms and conditions of use of the Platform prove to be invalid or inapplicable, regardless of the reason for this, this does not entail the invalidity or inapplicability of the other provisions.
4.5. Weippro is working hard to maintain the accuracy of the information presented in the Platform. However, given the possible technical errors or omissions in this information, Weippro clarifies that the images of the items are illustrative and indicative, respectively, the items from the Platform that are distributed in the store network may differ from those of the images.
4.6. The platform may contain links to other sites. Weippro is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites that it does not administer, or for any other information contained therein.
4.7. Due to the specifics of the exhibited items, the Platform is not intended for direct sales, in the sense of an online store and serves as a product catalog, whose main purpose is to acquaint users with product specifications, also to provide opportunities for direct communication between Weippro and Consumers.
4.8. The content of the Platform is limited to persons over 18 years of age, and Weippro undertakes to notify each new User who reaches the Platform.
4.9. Contractual relations related to the distribution or advertising of the products exhibited in the Platform, with persons under 18 years of age, are not possible in any form.
4.10. The Client has the right to publish opinions about the items presented on the Platform. Posts or messages that contain obscene language or inappropriate vocabulary will be removed from the Platform or ignored.
4.11. Communication with Weippro can be done through direct contact with him or at the addresses indicated on the Platform in the “Contact” section.
4.12. All images posted on the Platform are intended only to provide some idea of the type of items presented, not to present it accurately. Accordingly, some of the images in the Platform may not fully match the appearance of the item or create a false impression. Weipto is not responsible for such discrepancies.
5.1. Content as defined in the Definitions chapter, including but not limited to logos, any graphics or inscriptions, trade symbols, dynamic symbols, texts and / or multimedia content of the Platform, is the exclusive property of Weippro.
5.2. Weippro owns and retains all intellectual property rights in any way related to the Platform, whether its own or obtained through contractual licenses or in any other lawful manner.
5.3. The User may copy, transfer and / or use the Content only for personal non-commercial purposes and only in cases where this does not contradict the provisions of this chapter of this Document.
5.4. The User has the right to use the Content for commercial purposes only if he has received the written consent of Weippro for this and only for part of the Content, in the manner and extent of its use, and within the time limits for which such consent is given. expressly. Any subsequent or different use of the Content will be considered a breach of this agreement between Weippro and the User and a violation of the intellectual property rights of Weippro, which has the right to hold the User liable.
5.5. The mere sending to the User or reference to the Content or parts thereof by Weippro will not be considered as consent by Weippro to allow the User to use the Content or parts thereof for their own purposes other than his personal needs, regardless of the means for communication used by Weippro.
5.6. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted in these general terms and conditions or in any other express written consent given by Weippro is prohibited.
6.1 The Platform is not responsible for any damages suffered by the User, resulting from force majeure or those beyond the control of the Seller.
Please review the privacy policy that is part of this
The Bulgarian legislation is applicable to this contract. By accepting these general terms and conditions, the Client understands and agrees that Weippro may transfer all its rights and obligations arising from the Document to another company or third party that is part of the Weippro company group. Any disputes arising between Weippro and the User will be resolved by mutual agreement or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be resolved before the competent Bulgarian courts.
25.1 The items displayed on the Platform operate on a lithium-ion battery. It has an adverse effect on the environment and human health if not collected separately.
25.2. The symbol of the marked container on wheels indicates the need for separate collection of EEE on which it is placed.